Faculty & Staff Resources

Welcome faculty and staff! Here are some helpful links and online resources to support the emotional wellness of our Toro community.

Consultations with SPS

Faculty and staff are encouraged to contact us for individual mental health consultations. Some reasons for consultations with SPS might include:

  • Discussing a student in distress
  • Discussing disruptive behavior in the classroom
  • Seeking support around improving mental health in the work environment
  • Obtaining general mental health information or supportive resources

For more information, please contact:

Denna Sanchez, Ph.D.
Director, Student Psychological Services

Supporting Students in Distress


If someone on campus is experiencing a physical or mental health emergency, contact the University Police.

  • 9-1-1 from any on-campus phone
  • Dial 310.243.3333 from cellular phones
  • you can also push the TALK button on the red Emergency Call Towers located on campus, which will connect you directly to University Police dispatch. 

For non-emergency services, contact University Police at 310.243.3639


The Red Folder provides tips for how to approach a student who may be in distress and connect that student with the appropriate resource.

SEE Something, SAY Something, DO Something 


The CSUDH Campus Awareness, Response, & Education (CARE) team is a multi-disciplinary group of campus officials that work in a proactive and collaborative approach to respond to non-emergency concerns. The CARE team works to intervene early and develop appropriate courses of action for referred students. 


This resource guide [PDF] is a reference to resources that are available to you as you teach, advise, mentor, and guide students toward success.

Presentations and Outreach Request

Student Psychological Services offers a range of presentations, workshops, and interviews. We are also available to table at an event you’re hosting. If you're interested in such services, fill out the form below. If you have any questions, contact SPS at 310.243.3818. 

  • Allow 2-3 weeks advance notice for requests when possible.
  • Email completed form to Josephine Lara at jlara@co-cdz.com 

Outreach Request Form

Below is a list of presentation and workshop topics we offer. Customized or unlisted topics may also be requested. 

  • Student Psychological Services Overview
  • Managing Stress and Anxiety
  • Understating and Managing Stress
  • Understanding and Managing Anxiety
  • Understanding and Managing Depression 
  • Self-Care
  • Maintaining Mental Health and Wellness
  • Suicide Awareness and Prevention
  • Identifying and Supporting Students in Distress
Virtual Getaways

The Virtual Getaways is designed to be a place for employees and families to obtain resources to assist with thriving during these unprecedented times. This space is committed to providing tools and strategies for self-care while building resilience and creating fun and exciting virtual spaces. 



The purpose of the YOU@CSUDH portal is to connect students with campus resources and other online educational tools to increase CSUDH student success. The innovative digital tool promotes self- reflection, allowing students to be more proactive with their health and well-being in order to make the most of their college experience.

Students can complete brief assessments and create their profile in order to customize content. Users can set goals and check them off once completed, review useful and relatable content, or search for something specific.

Using the portal, students can explore their strengths and areas for growth across three domains:

  • SUCCEED = Academics / Career
  • THRIVE = Physical / Mental Health
  • MATTER = Purpose / Community / Social


  • Visit the YOU@CSUDH website you.co-cdz.com
  • Click on "Log in with Your ID" icon. Use your CSUDH credentials (username and password).
  • Next, confirm your CSUDH email.
  • Next, click on the "Create a Customized Dashboard" icon and follow the directions their after.


The YOU@CSUDH platform collects basic user information (name, email address, etc.). This information is collected to allow the platform to enable secure access and personalized resources for individual users. In addition, YOU@CSUDH collects product usage data (clicks, time spent on the site, search terms, etc.) each time a student uses the platform.

However, YOU@CSU’s comprehensive privacy defenses protect this information from risk. For example:

  • Data like names and email addresses are always encrypted to protect the student’s identity.
  • We restrict our team’s access to student data, limiting access of confidential information to only key development staff.
  • YOU@CSUDH analytics use aggregate data and prevents displaying small results sizes.
  • YOU@CSUDH information is not sold to any outside third party.


CSUDH is in partnership with Grit Digital Health, a company created by Cactus Communications and their owner Joe Conrad.  A research agreement between CSUDH and Grit Digital Health was formalized in November 2020 for You@CSUDH content creation/review, concept testing and evaluation. The portal launched in Spring 2021. Student Psychological Services at CSUDH have worked closely with the company to envision and continue to enhance the portal.


For University-specific questions, contact Josephine Lara, Mental Health Education Assistant

310.243.3818 | jlara@co-cdz.com